Thursday, June 18, 2009


Chin is so bad this morning that I don't want to take pic or maybe I'll take one later when I feel better. It must have been the muffins after dinner, which he snarfed up in the speed of lightning. They were as innocent as can be with only 2 TBS. of agave syrup, a few drops of stevia and mashed bananas for sweetener, really not very sweet at all. Grain was all gluten-free brown rice, amaranth and raw buckwheat, soaked, put into blender and baked. Aluminum-free baking powder. I give up. No grains at all? I'll never make it.

Same thing happened to my princess when she turned 4. I made her birthday cake, ground my own flour (kamut + hard red wheat - didn't soak, moving forward now, soon my $7,000 KitchenAid double ovens will be used for pot storage), used turbinado (raw) sugar and even made my own confectioner's sugar. For icing colors, I used spirulina and strawberries (next time I'll use beet powder). How much more wholesome could a kiddie birthday cake get? So I let her have 2-3 cupcakes (peel-away silicone cups the shape of a teddy bear put together) every day for 3 days or until her cheeks became ultra dry and started peeling.

So is it yeast/fungus or not? It seems likely. Now all I have to do come up with kid-friendly meals that will fit into this new way of eating. No pasta, no PBJ sandwiches, not even pasta 'n pesto, my all-time standby and replacement for mac 'n cheese. Now no rice too and even with the fungal-friendly grains, I have to go easy or just no baked sweet grains. What kind of birthday cake can I make without grains? I saw a meat cake once in another blog - hmm, that might not be such a bad idea.

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